Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I speak for the trees?

A few weeks ago I shared (complained about) the fact that my middle name is now X. Lincoln assigned me a phantom middle initial because in reality, I have none.

There was a Laura already working here in the office when I arrived. Apparently, to my luck, Sagemark hadn't realized that their Laura Quota was already full. (Sagemark should also rethink their Peter, Ed, and Sue Quotas because more than 2 of each is getting re-Goddamn-diculous.) I digress... To distinguish myself from Other Laura who is sometimes referred to by her "friends" as The Ugly Laura, Dumb Laura, Old Laura, etc. (which is cruel, but funny), I have been referring to myself as "Laura X." It's fun, it sounds sneaky, and I like signing things LXK - not to mention the badass persona it conveys.

It was not until I scribbled a "LauraX" at the bottom of a Post-It today that I realized the uncanny resemblance to this guy:

Aww... MAN! Now I will be associated with this tree-hugging, granola-eating, certainly never-showering mustachioed Lorax.

Meanwhile, I made approximately 34,543,490 copies today, threw out 904,218 envelopes that said "Reduce paper pile-up! Request on-line statements!" and recycled NOTHING.


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