Friday, December 02, 2005


Alright, I really didn't want to involve my personal life in my Lincoln blog, but I just can't help it. I went to the gym last night and my personal trainer KILLED me. I'll add here that I have 5 free sessions with a trainer that came with my membership, I'm neither rich nor motivated enough to spend my hard earned Lincoln money on not getting fat. Lord knows I simply control my weight with the fact that I can't really afford food.

So - the gym thing is unavoidable today because I hurt so much. I can't sit down, stand up, cross my legs, sit still, or breathe without wincing. It's pretty sexy. I can't really lament to anyone at the office about it either. In this crazy self-conscious time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it's impossible for a "skinny minny" (oh I HATE being called skinny) like me to join in the snack-treat indulging without a dirty look from a frumpy/portly/floppy co-worker. Me eating a brownie is not making you fat. You standing next to me is not making you fat. You taking 3 brownies back to your desk for your mid-mid-morning snack is making you fat. If I do bring up the gym, I get inundated with excuses. "Oh before I had kids, I would work out all the time..." "If I didn’t stay at work so long..." People, I don't care - y'all look great (when not stuffing yourselves with sweet potato pie - which was delicious by the way) so just make conversation with me without guilting either of us. Also, if I hear "Oh well I used to go to Curves..." one more time, in any situation work, or otherwise, I may explode. Everyone used to go to Curves, but you all still pay for it in hopes that you'll go back. Oh, but you wont. You won't. (D$, sorry to even bring up the C-word...)


At 6:36 PM, Blogger d$ said...

no wonder they're still fat, curves is a sham. a SHAM!


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