Friday, June 02, 2006

Raining... Pouring... Snoring...

Last night there were pretty extreme thunderstorms rolling through central Connecticut. When I got off the highway this morning, power was still out at the first intersection I encountered. That got my hopes up for a electricity-free (thus work-free) day. No such luck. Lincon soldiers on. We probably have a special generator in the basement that burns $1, $5, and $10 bills that our financial planners find pesky and worthless.





It seems that around these parts, things are loud, bustling, and stressfull or in a coma. There is no in between.

Today, the most exciting thing I did was read an article about the last organ grinder (w/monkey) in the tri-state area. Thanks, Hartford Courant, you really know how to lighten up a dreary day. At least it is Friday and hopefully downtown Hartford will have something fun to offer me after work.

Enjoy your weekend!


At 7:56 PM, Blogger d$ said...

you know.. the first though i actually had was not "wtf is an organ grinder" but actually "basically, turn the crank, count the money".. spot on hartford courant!

At 12:47 PM, Blogger josh said...

"When he first got into the business 31 years ago, Bush tied himself to his monkey every night for three weeks."

i would never have guessed that "the business" was organ grinding from that sentence.

also, can we talk about how the monkey's name was george and the guy's name was bush.

the innuendo and irony of this article are killing me.


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